Virtual & In-Person

Training and Consultation for Therapists

Current Schedule:

Online Process Training Group for Therapists

Thursdays 11:30am-1:00pm- 1 current opening

Relational Sociocultural Consultation Group

facilitated by Alexandra Jamali LCSW and Ali Kimmell, LCSW, CGP

Mondays 3-4:30pm

Individual Group Therapist Consultation

Looking for support in launching a new group or thinking about thorny dynamics as they arise?

For many, membership in a training group is a cornerstone support in navigating the development of professional identity and style over time, as well as providing invaluable support in holding the parts of our personal history that can be evoked in this work.

Process training group will support participants as they develop their own groups and clinical practice. These groups will be grounded in a group process experience, which will also include consultation, countertransference investigation, and, as guided by the needs of the group, didactic information.

Deep intimate relationships with colleagues provides a trusted referral network, on-call consultation support, and mutual coverage during absences.

present focused, new emotional experiences

rather than relying on reporting about difficulties, group members find that patterns that play out in other relationships arise in the group and give a rich opportunity to understand themselves and the way they relate to others and impact them. Members have the opportunity to have new emotional experiences in the moment and use the group to experiment with new more authentic connected ways of being that they can then bring to other relationships in their lives.

attachment focused

our early family group and larger societal context form the template for what we expect and inevitably re-experience in group and dyadic relationships in our adult lives. We develop protective strategies that may have kept us safe, but in our present lives can also keep us feeling stuck, disconnected, or depleted. Fortunately, attachment patterns are not static, and working in a deep way we have the opportunity to experiment with new models of secure connection that affirm and include our whole selves.

the social world and identity

In a group we have a special opportunity to understand the personal as well as the collective dimensions of our lived experiences. Our psychology and relational patterns, as well as therapy group dynamics, always exist in and are influenced by larger societal contexts. Societal power dynamics and injustices, internalized oppression, and identity based socialization are part of what group members have the opportunity to understand in themselves and others and find ways to create reparative experiences around. Bay Area Group Therapy Center groups are facilitated from an anti-racist, anti-oppressive, and LGBTQI, poly, kink affirmative framework. Questions about what this might mean or look like? Reach out and we can talk more!

attending to the body

Sometimes our body communicates to us what can not yet be put into words. Developing a respectful relationship with our body is an important element of intimacy with ourselves and others. For a wide range of societal and personal reasons, being tuned into our somatic experience can feel out of control or unsafe or just not available. Bay Area Group Therapy Center groups utilize mindfulness, body-based interventions, and somatically informed approaches to trauma treatment to help group members increase their awareness, intimacy, and sense of safety with their emotional somatic landscape. 

 group offers

a place to belong

find out if group is right for you